Hiding and Showing Sheets

All worksheets are displayed in the status bar. If you have worksheets that you don't want users, to see, you can hide as many sheets as you like as long as at least one spreadsheet remains visible.

You may want to do this to reduce screen clutter.

Note: Hiding a Sheet does not remove it from the Tabulation, it merely prevents it from being displayed.

You can subsequently 'unhide' a hidden Sheet.

Hiding one or more Sheets

To hide a sheet:

  1. Select the Sheet you wish to hide
  2. If you want to hide many Sheets, click on 'Ctrl' and select each additional Sheet that you want to hide.
  3. Right-click on the Sheet name in the Status Bar (green box).
  4. Select 'Hide' from the pop-up menu (red box)
  5. The selected Sheets are hidden.
  6. Repeat to hide other Sheets, if required.

Note: You cannot hide ALL the Sheets, you must leave at least one on display.

Unhiding a Hidden Sheet

To unhide one or more hidden Sheets:

  1. Right-click on any Sheet name in the Status bar.
  2. Select 'Unhide' from the pop-up menu (blue box above).
  3. The last hidden Sheet is redisplayed.
  4. Repeat for each Sheet to be unhidden.

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